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Synonymous With Support
Clarity Technologies Group, LLC prides itself on its unrivaled support. Connecting with Clarity means subscribing to a skill-set and knowledge base that is unmatched by our competitors. At Clarity, we don’t wait for the problem to happen… With our monitoring capabilities and consistent service, you no longer have to sit around waiting for your IT service provider to show up. We’ll see the problem as soon as you do!
Flat-Rate IT Services Include:
- Support and maintain your entire Organization Remotely
- Phone Support
- Remote Assistance (Desktop Sharing)
- Live Meeting (Online Collaboration)
- State-Of-The-Art Trouble-Ticketing System
- Automated Escalation Process
- Onsite Support As Needed
- Server Disaster Recovery at our expense
Quality Of Service (QoS):
- Prioritized Internet – We Prioritize Internet based on customer requests for VoIP or specific URLs.
- Low latency – We maintain strict quality controls across our networks for minimum latency.
- Security – We provide Layer-2 private line service.