Reasons to have 3CX Phone System in Colleges and Universities

By: Bruce G. Kreeger

Universities play a crucial role in teaching a student about saving his time by using technology and increasing productivity. How can unified traits of 3CX Phone System help them achieve their goal?


Let us assist you with how Clarity 3CX Phone System can be beneficial for a learning environment such as a University Campus and what this sleek ecosystem is hiding up its sleeve:

1: Organize Without Blowing the Budget:

Universities cater to thousands of brilliant minds every year. This year, due to the pandemic and the lockdown situation, everyone has been forced to be homeschooled. It is a golden opportunity for universities to adopt a Unified Communications Systems and try Clarity’s 3CX Phone System, which offer quality webinars on astonishingly smart price plans that will not blow your budgets. It is a central app that connects students and teachers through free audio/video calls, low cost outgoing calls to external networks, 24/7 customer support, and seamless connectivity with lots of add-ons.

2: Unified Systems Help Evade Complexity:

In an ideal university environment, there are collaboration circles between teachers-teachers, students-students and teacher-students. Clarity 3CX is specifically designed to work as a Unified System between all communication channels. Its features include audio/video calls, messaging (university channel, multichannel and broadcast), video call groups, audio conference calls, file sharing, and internal social networking. All of which are free of cost with Clarity 3CX Phone Systems.


Seamless Online Classes, using Video Group Calls, and submission of assignments can be done using the File Sharing feature. This can all be integrated to the University’s website as a portal.

3: Perfect for Online Classes During This Pandemic:

3CX ecosystem is perfect for campuses to adopt for managing their classes during quarantine to use as their main mode of communication with students, their parents, and for staff communications. Classes can be scheduled on the Calendar and hosted using Android or iOS apps installed on smartphones, or the students’ and teachers’ computers. Classes can be held seamlessly using an easy to use GUI of the app, with low bandwidth consumption using smart compression, and made secure using state of the art encryption.

Assignments and other documents can be easily shared in any extension with each other from anywhere. With 3CX you will be compelled to do more in less time, without facing any complexity, thus saving time for both teachers and students.

4: Cloud is the Future:

Aim for more, aim for the Cloud! 3CX Cloud can easily be used to integrate the 3CX Phone Systems to manage everything centrally. Instead of installing on-ground machines, costly equipment, taking the risk of managing and maintaining that equipment, you can start utilizing Clarity Cloud services and start fulfilling your University’s Requirements. Integrations to cloud consists of 3CX with its built-in integration options with Office 365, databases, CRMs and other network-enabled systems.

5: Flexibility and Scalability:

When it comes to flexibility and scalability there is no comparison to Clarity 3CX phone systems. Flexibility represents ease of use i.e. no master’s degree required to manage the system.

It is platform independent and does not require a specific operating system or hardware specs to run whether it be Linux or MS OS or iOS. You can scale them easily and make them cloud based on Google, Azure and AWS.

Clarity is proud to have been providing on premises and Cloud Hosted Telephony to the Americas and the rest of the world since 2006. Our worldwide clients are currently using our unified communications platform. Clarity Technologies Group, LLC surpasses expectations.


Call Clarity at 800-354-4160 today or email us at [email protected]. We are partnered internationally around the globe and we are open seven days a week 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM EST/EDT. and https://dotmantech.com.

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