Digital Marketing

Maximixe your Lead Generation with these Sales Secrets

By: Bruce G. Kreeger

The success of your digital marketing efforts depends on more than creating engaging content and pushing it out to your marketing channels. In order to have your voice heard, you need to pay attention to the data and more significantly, what it reveals about open rates / conversion / revenue or other KPI’s that are an important focus area for your company. To get you started, we’ve pulled together data-driven sales secrets that are guaranteed to increase your lead generation with minimal effort required!

1. Time is the Key:

Now we’re not trying to trick you, but it turns out that there’s more than one ‘feasible time’ to email. According to Campaign Monitors, the best time to get to your clients is between 9 am-11 am when they are just settling into the day. This is followed by another spike at 2 pm when temporizing peaks after lunch.

2. Responses to Inquiries:

They might not tell you about it but it’s a little-known fact that most salespeople are anxious about cold calling. While we recommend warm calling where possible, if you’ve got targets to get to, sometimes there’s no better tactic than the phone. The only question- when to do it?

Well, the answer is as soon as possible! The best time to reach a thought is within 20 minutes of a form submission or enquiry. Any longer and they’re likely to be looking somewhere else much shorter and they won’t have finished browsing your site.

3. Getting Back to Client:

Be productive in your approach to communications! Not everything needs to be an email or a formal question. By using a variety of messaging channels, you can expand your outreach strategy and give your prospects multiple opportunities to interact with you.

Conversion rates climb by as much as 300% when a company has an effective follow-up strategy. For example, clients that receive SMS text messages during the sales cycle convert at a 40% higher rate than those that do not.

4. Social Media Posting:

Social Media offers a unique opportunity to engage with potential clients in an authentic and honest way and this is being reflected in the growing trend towards social selling. Using social media to build meaningful relationships that could lead to fruitful sales opportunities further down the line. The number of times you post on social will depend on the medium you’re using.

5. It’s the Hare that Wins the Race:

Salesforce reports that 50% of B2B sales are won by the vendor who reach clients first, meaning you must be quick off the market when you get a new lead.


Clarity is proud to have been providing on site, eCommerce and Digital Marketing Services to the Americas and the world since 2006. Our clients are Worldwide currently using our unified communications platform. Clarity Technologies Group, LLC surpasses expectations.


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