Microsoft Teams – Why Your Business Needs It?

By: Bruce G. Kreeger

Business advances technology require that we move away from the idea of “what our business still works with, and the why change in mentality.” Instead, “what technology should we use today to provide a greater focus on profits.” Every second, a team member requires a better solution for a flexible approach to their assigned tasks. Team members often spend 10-12 hours a day behind a computer, and what they do may never have been assessed or asked if they require innovative tools and expert support? If not yet, then it is still not late to ask. Look, with the right tools and technology, you will enable your Teams to get more involved in their work. They would do it faster and in a much more pleasant way.

Your team members need collaboration with the technical solution providers. There are many out there, including Microsoft 365, Google Drive, GoToMeeting, Slack, 3CX, and others. But one has become a matter of continuous discussion over the last few years. It is Microsoft Teams which is part of Microsoft 365. Teams are an all-in-one solution in terms of creating a more flexible environment for your employees. You need to take a look and not neglect Microsoft Teams. Teams enable them to create a healthy and productive space for work, where they collaborate more and work exceptionally professionally.

Understanding time demands, Microsoft Teams comes with the right tools for easy collaboration. The process is highly secure and easy to manage. No matter where you are, it enables you to connect with the team and work on multiple devices, including desktops, tablets, and mobiles.

With Microsoft Teams, you would be able to

Engage your employees more into work.
Save money and time
Increase productivity
Provide a flexible environment to the employees.
Enable your employees to work professionally.
Increase trust at both ends for employees and customers.
Improve the strategic approaches.
Communicate with other business users on Teams.

Microsoft Teams provides more than just text collaboration

Employees need more than texting under the name of collaboration. Hence, Microsoft Teams enables you to play around with different options it has. You can choose audio, video, screen sharing, and presentation options to make the work more manageable than ever before. All you need is to connect with the person you want to chat with, do a voice or video call, or use other options in the chat. It’s even simpler than texting. With Microsoft Teams, you can even set a scheduled meeting with the number of participants you want, and they will be notified. The best part about it, you don’t have to switch to the other Microsoft apps; Teams has all the features. This simple feature empowers Teams to ensure that each customer message is answered. Because Teams receive messages in a single, centralized channel and easily tells which messages are read or need to be read. Team collaboration is automatically smoother than it is with less transparent options.

Teams is easy to use

Microsoft Teams has been built to make use of its inherent chat system. Chat enables you to use other multiple features to import from elsewhere simply with clicks. Conversations in the chat are designed in threads, and notifications pop up on the screen. Some of the audio and video calling in Microsoft Teams has been built using Skype integration. All it takes is a click to launch a call. There’s a single goal behind designing Microsoft Teams. Teams have been designed to provide a very convenient environment for employees to get things done faster and more efficiently. It has a more straightforward interface and is quite feasible for use with many business purposes in mind.

Improved Collaboration and Fewer Emails

Microsoft Teams enables you to have less interaction with regular emails. In many ways, the email has been replaced with quicker, more efficient Team communication. Looking for emails in the inbox is an old-time job task if you will, and we cannot continue to live in the past. Teams enable users to control communication in a structured way, especially in the office, where quick replies are expected, within the “new norm,” to wrap up the tasks faster. Yes, it works with your email account, but you don’t have to open the email and compose another email to reply – this time taken to process response by email is replaced by chat; finally, Teams saves time!

New Features are being added to Teams daily.

Advancement in technology never stops. The developers at Microsoft know better when and how to utilize the newest trend and what features can digitize the office space, and they roll this out asap with Teams. Teams is a powerful solution growing every day. Developers are continuously adding more Microsoft 365 applications to improve user interference capabilities. Microsoft Teams has its application store with one-click download and install where you can try it out and experience it.

Microsoft Teams allows you to exploit the software’s maximum benefits and the technology embedded with it to improve your business space and the way you work.

Clarity Technologies Group, LLC (Clarity) is a proud Microsoft Cloud Service provider (CSP). We specialize in Office 365 and Microsoft 365. Call Clarity at 800-354-4160 today for more information on how to learn more about our cloud services.

Clarity is proud to have been providing Networking Services to clients in North and South America and the world since 2006. Clarity’s clients are Worldwide currently using our unified communications platform. With the addition of our DotmanTech division and an extensive team of developers, we will continue to surpass expectations.


Call Clarity at 800-354-4160 today or email us at [email protected]. We are partnered internationally around the globe and we are open seven days a week 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM EST/EDT. and

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