
Tips to Drive More Sales using Call Center Solutions Part 1



Providing quality customer service is the most visible way to stand out as a brand in today’s competitive marketplace. In fact, the key to customer acquisition, retention, and advocacy lies in delivering an outstanding customer experience (CX) but how do you translate that into sales?

It has been proven repeatedly that customers are willing to pay more and are more likely to purchase from you again if   happy with your service. Yet improving call center sales is not easy for any business.

Changing expectations through a buyer’s journey can make customer acquisition a moving target, furthermore the ease of ordering from any vendor at a global level makes customer retention even more challenging. Offering a slightly different product selection or marginally better pricing is no longer enough to set you apart from your competition.

If you want to drive more call center sales and increase revenue, you must go beyond answering customer questions and resolving problems. You need to develop a great team of call center sales representatives and optimize your call center for sales. Your CSRs need to create “Wow Moments” that inspire great customer stories and increase trust with your business.

How to Improve Call Center Sales

Call centers are your main source of customer interaction, providing your customers a chance to vent their problems, find a listening ear, and get the assistance they need. If you build a team of alert individuals that can anticipate customer’s needs, call centers can provide true value through real-time conversations over the phone, through chat, and over the web. With just a few small adjustments, your call center can be used to boost sales.

Customer service interactions allow you to find out exactly what a customer wants and creates an opportunity to sell them exactly what they need, along with up-selling products and services that will enhance their customer experience.

By having a call center sales representative available, to assist customers with inquiries, orders, or post-purchase support, not only can you deliver a quality customer experience, but you can also make sales and cultivate loyalty.

Offering an excellent customer service experience has been proven to reduce friction and make purchasing habitual. The key to doing this is to always put the customer first, which means customer service and sales must be inseparable.

Sales Representatives vs. Customer Service Representatives

Often, businesses think that there must be two separate jobs in the call center, call center sales representatives and customer service representatives but that is not necessarily the case. Generally, when someone is calling in to complain about a product or to ask for help, that presents an opportunity to up-sell.

Customer service and sales go together. Since your customer service representative has already built rapport by solving the customer’s problem, they are the best individual to complete a sale. You will not be as successful increasing sales if you need to add an additional step in the process by transferring customers to a sales team member to get the job done.

Instead, look for customer service team members who can double as call center sales representatives. These individuals should demonstrate the following soft skills:

  • Willing to learn
  • Adaptable to any situation
  • Patient and positive
  • Emotionally intelligent
  • Problem solvers
  • Motivated by success
  • Focused on teamwork
  • Excellent communicators

Clarity is proud to have been providing one on premises and Cloud Hosted Telephony to the Americas and the world since 2006. Our worldwide clients are currently using our unified communications platform. Clarity Technologies Group, LLC surpasses expectations.


Call Clarity at 800-354-4160 today or email us at [email protected]. We are partnered internationally around the globe and we are open seven days a week 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM EST/EDT. and

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