Why is Odoo ERP Perfect Fit for Your Business?

Enterprise resource planning :

(ERP) is business process management software that allows an organization to use a system of integrated applications to manage the business and automate many back-office functions related to technology, services and human resources. Traditionally, documentation for each department was done manually. Since, the evolution of this software technology, organizations have started creating a budget for development of many in-house ERP’s but the implementation of this idea requires a lot of time and capital. Another alternative could be to go for third party ERP solutions(Odoo) but this will increase the organization’s budget. After getting through all left and right turns one application could be the proven best fit for your business which will cut down unnecessary time and investment consumption.

Why Choose Odoo ERP?

There are numerous ERP arrangements accessible in the market like QuickBooks for bookkeeping, SalesForce for CRM, Infor HCM, and so on. For the most part these arrangements are not equipped for speaking with one another and because of this rundown of complex blunders develops particularly when information relocation comes in picture. Odoo ERP takes this into account all highlights and modules under one programming framework. By the way, Odoo ERP is based on the On Demand Open Object concept.

The following are the reasons, why you ought to pick Odoo ERP:

Optimal User Interface:

As ERPs are crafted to solve complex problems, in most cases their graphical interface is not user friendly. But Odoo ERP provides simple to navigate interface, that lets users use smoothly and easily all modules.

Enhancing Features:

Odoo ERP is a suite that consists of 1000+ modules. Every module is built exclusively for particular task solving. These modules are robust and perform particular tasks.

Modular Platform:

Odoo ERP is like a big store that provides pronounced modules. As per your business needs and its workflow, you can choose and integrate any module. In the beginning, you can initiate with modules that serves primary objective and gradually with workflow advancement you can expand module usage with time.

Minimization of manual & repetitive operations:

Manual data management and processes are open to human errors also these processes implementation is time-taking when the task is a bigger one. Odoo ERP automates tasks and this minimizes error and utilization of manual resources.

Central store to access information:

It’s kind of havoc when the sales department uses a particular suite for their tasks, the finance department utilizes some other, marketing department chooses something different. Hence, all these different utilizations often guide the rising of complex problems. Odoo ERP makes all information available on the single centralized unit and every department can have access to it.

Better Business Decisions Making:

Precise details related to complex features helps in analyzing critical data. With Odoo ERP’s different modules, users can get precised data related to sales, marketing, purchases, etc. User can customize reports related to specific department which can help in making better business decisions.

No License Fee:

It is open-source software meaning the entire version is available free of cost. Odoo is timely updated as there is a huge community of developers working with the ERP platform. Coders can customize and enhance Odoo as per their requirements.

This also provides rapid bug fixing.


Clarity is proud to have been providing ERP Consultancy and Implementation Services to North America for many years. With the addition of our Dotmantech division and an extensive team of developers, we will continue to surpass expectations.


Call Clarity at 800-354-4160 today or email us at [email protected] . We are partnered internationally around the globe and we are open seven days a week 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM EST/EDT. and .

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