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What is MOBOTIX Cactus Concept?

Are you familiar with the advantages of a network-based video security solution with an integrated ‘cactus concept’ for all your hardware and software?

USA Based Security Camera solution provider Clarity Technologies Group recently introduced MOBOTIX Cactus Concept, which provides a complex security algorithm which saves MOBOTIX products such as surveillance cameras integration from outside cyber attacks and thus prevails customer’s privacy and keep their data intact.

Clarity’s state of the art MOBOTIX Cactus Concept is a reliable source of keeping your cameras and monitoring devices safe from attacks by keeping surveillance architecture encapsulated and this keeps your privacy at maximum level without worrying about sweating your wallet. This is because these days, nothing is reliable anymore without the right end-to-end protection concept to defend against the increasing rate of cyber-attacks by international hackers.

At Clarity Technologies Group, we have adopted the unique MOBOTIX cactus concept for the reliable and complete protection of end-to-end video systems against hacker attacks. Protect yourself from future attacks whenever anyone tries to turn your robust IT landscape into an IT wasteland. Arm yourself against a serious attack – with an intelligent video system that is ready to go but can also stand up to the ever-evolving challenges of our world, every day.

Based on an extraordinary decentralized technology concept MOBOTIX has been ranked as one of the most secure video systems in the world and we have already installed out solutions in many Federal and Government housing and offices. We don’t compromise on the quality of service being provided to our customers.

Our Vision:

The objective of the cactus concept is to implement a multimedia cybersecurity campaign to raise awareness among potential and existing Clarity’s MOBOTIX customers of the extremely important issue of data security in network-based video security systems, inform them about the growing risks and show them how they can protect themselves. Efficient, cost-efficient, and intelligent. Hacker attack attempts usually cannot be prevented in IP networks, which is why IP video systems have also become a tempting target for unwanted intruders. This is why you should protect yourself as much as possible from unauthorized access in the first place.

End-to-End Security:

When hackers attack a network to access a live image and/or stored images and videos in a camera, the camera is not always the only target of the attack. What happens when they try to pull data from the storage medium of the dismounted camera? Or from the stolen or hacked NAS? And just how safe are the individual interconnections from spying or manipulation?

End-to-end encryption with no blind spots is required, from the image source via the data cables and the data storage through to the video management system on the user’s computer. Like a cactus, whose every limb is covered in thorns, all of the modules (camera, storage, cables, VMS) in the Clarity’s MOBOTIX system have digital thorns that protect them from unauthorized access.

Durable Design with No Moving Parts:

Unlike most other plants, cacti can live to be older than average, some up to 200 years. Just like our video systems, which have an above-average MTBF of 80,000 hours (over 9 years). Maybe that’s because the cactus doesn’t move, and neither does the camera with non-moving parts.

Exceptionally Frugal and Low-maintenance:

Cactus also survive in places where other plants have long given up. Not only are they robust, but they also use the tight supply of nutrients available to them very sparingly. Just like our video systems, which have minimal energy consumption and require little maintenance.

Highly temperature-resistant And Weatherproof:

The growth area of the biggest cactus family, the Opuntia, extends from southern Canada to southern Argentina. It goes from the Caribbean in the east to the Galapagos Islands in the west. Opuntia has become naturalized in many countries, including ones along the Mediterranean as well as South Africa and Australia. Opuntia grows in temperate and tropical regions at altitudes ranging from sea level to 4,700 meters. Some species are extremely frost-resistant and can even survive the winter in Central Europe. They are not bothered by large temperature fluctuations, rain, sun, storms or snow. Just like our outdoor video systems, which can function nearly anywhere in the world without any additional heating or ventilation.

Incredibly Useful:

The usefulness of certain Opuntia species can be traced far back in history. Their shoots and fruits were consumed by humans and livestock, and the cactus were also used to produce valuable pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. The hidden potential of these cactus is simply amazing. Just like our video systems, which have built-in intelligence and a multitude of features along with excellent image quality and long service life in a highly efficient overall package.

An Impressive Total Concept:

No one can get around these cactus plants. The Washington Convention, a species protection treaty, does not include any Opuntia. Only two out a total of around 200 Opuntia species are listed as endangered. Just like our video systems, which are armed with comprehensive cybersecurity measures that make them extremely tough for the international hacker community to crack.

Evolution, Not Revolution:

Clarity Technologies Group knows there is no need to change what works. We will keep working closely together in the future with security experts from our customer base as well as the fields of industry and administration. Our goal is to protect and maintain as best we can the technologies and systems that help make our everyday lives safer and better.


Clarity is proud to be a Mobotix Gold Partner serving the Americas with installations as large as one thousand cameras and as small as two. System survey, design, installation and implementation are Clarity’s strengths in the marketplace. This coupled with utilizing our teams from the edge in and have a structured cabling division, has helped Clarity to standout in the security, retail, and industrial application areas.


Call Clarity at 800-354-4160 today or email us at [email protected] . We are partnered internationally around the globe and we are open seven days a week 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM EST/EDT. .

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