Web Design Tricks to Grow Your Business Exponentially
Growing any business is, well, tough business. You’ve got your hand in every pot while simultaneously wearing every hat. You’re worrying about marketing strategies, product design, creation, and growth plans, all in the same day. The Web is getting more crowded by the day, with literally dozens of websites being added every minute. It is becoming harder and harder to get noticed among the masses.
1. Keep your design balanced:
Balance is all about ensuring that your design does not tip to one side or the other. It is like the balance of weight in achieving symmetry or asymmetry.
2. Compartmentalize your design by using grids:
The concept of grids is closely related to that of balance. Grids are a series of horizontal and vertical rulers that help you “compartmentalize” a design. Think of columns. Columns improve readability, making a page content easier to absorb and understand. Spacing and the use of the columns make everything easier on the eye.
3. Pick solid colors at most for your design:
Continuing on the split-screen trend, some websites break up their content into even more chunks, resulting in an array of differently sized squares and rectangles that are separated by color. This look can express several messages at once, in an orderly and cohesive manner.
With a photo or a few short lines of text placed in each section, it’s easy for site visitors to follow these bite-sized chunks of information. And to make the composition even more intriguing, be sure to color the squares in various shades from your website color scheme.
4. Use graphics that go well together:
Great design doesn’t need fancy graphics. But poor graphics will hurt a design. Graphics add to the visual message.
To form a coherent visual language that encapsulates your brand’s vision, browse vector art collections for unique illustrations, icons, and badges. Additionally, invest time in going through high-quality media features to find images that are perfectly tailored to your brand’s specific needs.
5. Use of Custom typography:
Every website needs text, but the days of boring Times New Roman, Arial or any other basic stock font have long-since passed. Instead, take your message to the next level with unique typography that encompasses your brand identity while simultaneously communicating to users.
This unique typography can take many shapes (literally) or be found in different areas of your design. Some brands may choose to utilize this in their logo design, while other businesses (like mine) will sprinkle custom font throughout the entire design to draw attention to important content, like this newsletter signup call to action (below). Ultimately, the choice in how and where you utilize this trend is up to you.
6. Plenty of whitespaces:
Whitespace (or negative space) is a term referring to the blank areas in between the design elements. It gives any page or screen a spacious, well-balanced feel. And while most commonly white, whitespace can also be made up of any other background color. It includes the spacing between lines or columns of text, the space around each of the visuals, or the margins around the page.
7. Have all elements connected:
Unity in design is perhaps the more important of the two. Without unity, having a good design is hard. Inconsistency, however, may look a bit “sloppy” but may not make the design “bad.”
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