

Why Mobile and Video Are Headed for Your Business Come 2016!


A recent report from Infonetics Research revealed that the No. 1 unified communications (UC) device used by businesses is the smartphone. The smartphone ranks ahead of traditional computing devices such as laptops and desktop computers. Another major finding was that 93 percent of business leaders plan to implement video conferencing into their UC solutions by early 2016.

This report points to the need for businesses to embrace the latest telecommunications trends to keep pace with the ways employees communicate most. Embracing video conferencing and mobile devices as part of an overall unified communications strategy within the workplace will help businesses maximize the growing trend toward mobility and reap the benefits that on-the-go real-time video conferencing can provide.

A mobile workforce with the ability to video conference instantly via a smartphone is a huge asset to a business. Here are just a few of the benefits:

Employees are always in the loop

Leveraging UC tools from a device they carry at all times ensures that employees never miss out on an important piece of information, crucial conversation or mandatory meeting again, no matter where they are located. Employees no longer need to worry about rushing back to the office or searching frantically for an accessible computer when it’s time for an important meeting or communication. The ability to video chat on a smartphone, for example, enables employees to participate in quick face-to-face conversations or real-time meetings from any location on a device that they already find convenient and accessible.

People can collaborate more seamlessly

The ability to connect to people and information via a mobile device means that people can work together more effectively, whether they are in different offices or on different continents. Having UC tools available on a mobile device means remote team members can hold a meeting, chat face-to-face, share data and graphics instantly, or collaborate on documents, all without having to sit down at a big screen or be chained to a desk.

Businesses can provide an alternative to audio conferencing

Audio conferencing can feel unwieldy for a mobile employee who is used to connecting instantly via a smartphone. That is, booking an audio conference space and device involves a lot more time and energy. Plus, valuable nuances and visual cues won’t get lost with video conferencing on a smartphone, as they do with audio conferencing. Employees can call a meeting from any site, including conferencing in vendor contacts, remote office staff, professional conference attendees and clients simply by pulling out their smartphones.

Companies don’t have to spend money on international travel

With today’s tight budgets, international travel often isn’t even an option. A mobile workforce with UC tools readily available on their smartphones can collaborate instantly on an international level without ever packing a suitcase or boarding an airplane. All they need are their smartphones.

The ability to connect by leveraging UC tools on a mobile platform is invaluable for international and remote teams, and provides the agility and responsiveness people need when they are on the go.

About Clarity Technologies Group, LLC (

Clarity Technologies Group, LLC has been serving the New York / NJ Metropolitan area since 1994, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small, medium, and enterprise sized businesses. Clarity also has offices in Dallas TX, Jupiter, FL, Tobyhanna, PA, and San Antonio, TX.

Call Clarity at 800-354-4160. Clarity are partnered internationally around the globe and we are open seven days a week 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM EST/EDT. Or use your Chrome, Firefox, or Opera Browser with a microphone and speakers and go to:

https://pbx.clarityscg.net:5001/callus/779406 to call Clarity Technologies Group, LLC via WebRTC today!

For more information, please visit http://www.clarityscg.com, http://claritytg.net/ or on Facebook, and Twitter.

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