

How SIP Trunking Will Extend Your VoIP Telephony and UC Capabilities and Save Money



Internet telephony—whether premise-based or in the cloud—is becoming the de facto standard for business communications, with VoIP leading the way. And Unified Communications (UC) is a major aspect of these enhanced phone systems as the add-on helps organizations take collaboration and productivity to new heights. So, how do you make sure that your company will achieve the best results when deploying these technologies?

There are several different means by which organizations can deploy VoIP, but none will be more ubiquitous than SIP trunking (Session Initiated Protocol) within the next several years. As a matter of fact, market research from Infonetics indicates that 75 percent of North American businesses plan to use SIP trunking by 2016. Why? Simply put, SIP provides a multitude of upgrades in comparison to the traditional PRI (or T1 line, et al.) avenue to the PSTN.

For starters, SIP trunking is a virtual (vs. dedicated) connection for voice transmission, and is a packet- (vs. circuit-) switched model as well. This means that your SIP trunking bandwidth can easily scale up or down. Here are some of the other benefits of SIP in a nutshell:

Cost savings

SIP encompasses economies of scale as there is only one site (available trunks are a function of available bandwidth) to manage vs. the equipment required to terminate calls and sessions using other methods. As well, you only pay for what you use with SIP, whereas PRI lines, for example, are sold in chunks, so capacity is often wasted. The cost associated with SIP trunking plans are typically 35% to 60% less expensive than most other telephone services.

UC underpinning

Once an organization replaces its assorted analog lines with SIP trunks, voice, video and other data traffic can be easily transmitted over the business’s own wide-area network to its various locations.

Productivity enhancements

SIP enables greater productivity simply by allowing UC features (e.g., instant messaging, voice, video and presence) from different vendors to integrate and communicate with each other. And its functions are not limited to the Internet, but are extendable to any IP network.

Disaster recovery

SIP technology allows for automatic call rerouting to pre-defined locations and can accommodate diversity across service providers, something which is usually cost-prohibitive using other methods.

So, be sure to consider SIP trunking as the backbone for your VoIP/UC phone system.

Let Clarity Technologies Group, LLC show you how to save money with SIP Trunking today. Call Clarity Technologies Group, LLC at 800-354-4160 today. We are partnered internationally around the globe and we are open seven days a week 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM EST/EDT. Or use your Chrome, Firefox, or Opera Browser with a microphone and speakers and go to:

https://pbx.clarityscg.net:5001/callus/779406  to call Clarity Technologies Group, LLC via WebRTC today!
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