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Hot desking may be the next big trend across workplaces all over the world. By sharing workstations at different times—which is the fundamental purpose of hot desking—organizations can save space and money. Companies such as Deloitte, headquartered in Toronto, instituted hot desking at the end of last year by maximizing meeting rooms and common areas.

Aided by new telecommunications technology, including virtual PBX, which allows employees to access their phone system and unified communication tools from remote locations, hot desking is all about increasing remote working productivity, while optimizing office space simultaneously

A virtual PBX affords employees independence and mobility by incorporating the following features of a regular IP-PBX phone system over a simple to use software-based interface:

  • Easy to install & manage
  • Inexpensive to buy and expand
  • Work from anywhere with iOS & Android clients
  • Leverage existing IT infrastructure & Server hardware
  • Save on your phone bill with SIP Trunks & Mobile / Remote clients
  • Integrated video conferencing using WebRTC
  • Better customer service with advanced call queues
  • Click 2 Call from your website

Given the cost saving incentives and mobility enhancing conveniences, hot desking seems far from a passing fad. And, systems like 3CX Phone System for Windows, a software-based PBX for Windows that works with SIP standard based IP Phones, SIP trunks and VoIP Gateways, enable a mobile staff to take their extension with them by utilizing worldwide VoIP and facilitating free interoffice calls.

The physical limitations of our work space will soon be a concern of the past. Technology that is not anchored to a wall or attached to a desk will make us not only more mobile but also more motivated to meet our goals, no matter where we are geographically.

Call Clarity Technologies Group, LLC at 800-354-4160 today. We are partnered internationally around the globe and we are open seven days a week 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM EST/EDT. Or use your Chrome, Firefox, or Opera Browser with a microphone and speakers and go to:

https://pbx.clarityscg.net:5001/callus/779406  to call Clarity Technologies Group, LLC via WebRTC today!
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