

IP-PBX Offers Cutting-Edge Solutions in the Hospitality IndustryHospitality-Industry-160x105


When you’re in charge of running a four-star hotel that’s known for its high level of customer service, your chief concern is maintaining the status quo and hopefully capitalizing on it in the future. At least this was the top priority for the staff at Ramada Plaza Antwerp Hotel until its legacy phone system started to get in the way of internal communications.

As such, the IT team at the hotel concluded that a newer feature-rich and cost-efficient solution was in its near future—something like an IP-PBX phone system from 3CX, which was its ultimate choice.

With the company’s large staff and multiple hotel locations, it was also looking for flexibility and mobility from the new phone system. When it made the switch to Internet-based telephony from legacy copper wiring, the business experienced a multitude of companywide improvements, such as:

More features

The hotel said good riddance to its days of using on-premises infrastructure and adopted a robust suite of unified communications (UC) features. Software-based phone systems make the adoption of UC simple, as the installation and configuration all takes place on a familiar computer-based interface—specifically on a Windows interface for 3CX. Now, the hotel can interact with remote locations through Web conferencing or collaborate internally on the fly with instant chat.

Cost efficiency

On-premises infrastructure requires hardware that causes businesses to absorb exorbitant fees. In the case of the Ramada Plaza Antwerp Hotel, these funds could be well-spent elsewhere—like in expanding office locations. Implementing an IP-PBX system enabled the business to slash its telecom costs while gaining more functionality. In the end, Internet telephony is capable of providing significant ROI so that companies can focus on business imperatives other than their phone system.

Multi location connection

Another asset the hotel enjoyed was the ability to seamlessly connect multiple offices. For instance, the hotel simply added phone bridges—which are used for connecting remote locations—from a drop down menu on the phone system’s Windows-based interface. Connecting multiple locations in a snap is one the greatest advantages of an IP-PBX, as you can grow your business and scale your phone system at the drop of a hat without undergoing downtime from the addition and reconfiguration of on-site phone wires.

You don’t have to be an ideal travel destination like the Ramada to reap these kinds of benefits. A phone system upgrade to IP-PBX will benefit your business no matter its location or size.

Clarity Technologies Group, LLC has installed several Hotel IP- PBX’ for clients including Intercontinental Hotel Group and other fine properties. Call Clarity Technologies Group, LLC at 800-354-4160 today for more information on how 3CX IP-PBX can interface with your hotel or hospitality needs!

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