

It’s Time to Support Remote Worker Flexibility—A Softphone Will Help


Business leaders who grant their employees the tools and freedom to work remotely are doing themselves, as well as their employees, a big favor.

Consider that 65 percent of employers who allow their workers to telecommute report higher morale among team members. Moreover, multiple industry pundits confirm that teleworkers are more productive and work longer hours than office workers. As well, telecommuting reduces stress and turnover, and positively affects relationships with supervisors. Also keep in mind that telecommuting is having the overall economic effect of reducing the need for office space—decreasing overhead for companies.

Of course, all these benefits don’t manifest themselves magically but, rather, demand careful management. This includes best practices for facilitating business communications. Oftentimes, companies are finding that this requires the provisioning of a modern softphone, or software that allows users to make phone calls over the Internet via a computer.

Before adopting a softphone to support telecommuting, however, first be sure you have the appropriate fundamentals in place to uphold the software and keep your employees connected and productive. Start with the following must-haves:

Dedicated VoIP provider

To ensure a seamless look for your communications, you’ll need VoIP services to make calls via the Internet rather than phone lines.

Broadband Internet connection

Business functionality (voice quality and fast connections) will depend on the speed and availability of your broadband Internet connection.

Web-based meeting software

Adapt the software solution to support internal meetings between in-house and home-based workers.

Conference application

Such as Skype or Google+ Hangouts video chat software, this app will provide cloud-based VoIP calling, videoconferencing, IM and file sharing services.

3CXPhone, a softphone from 3CX comes with the expert support of your 3CX Partner, who will help you configure your 3CX Phone System and provide training on its operation.

Business leaders still hesitant to extend a telecommuting option to their employees should take into consideration the possible outcome of failing to join the movement. For instance, it could mean that your competitors are getting the jump on you, as telecommuting increased nearly 80 percent between 2005 to 2012, according to data collected from the American Community Survey.

Call Clarity Technologies Group, LLC at 800-354-4160 today for more information.


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