Three Ways Unified Communications Improves Workplace Culture
Let’s face it…as a business leader you barely have enough time to pour a cup of coffee in the morning, let alone spearhead innovative new strategies and approaches for improving workplace culture, involving internal communication and collaboration. However, if you have noticed deteriorating internal collaboration, it could be attributed to a lack of necessary tools, like a robust unified communications(UC) system, for instance.
A UC system can help improve on internal communications and overall workplace culture in a number of ways. For example, the technology can stimulate peer-to-peer collaboration via simple-to-use messaging functionalities. This is certainly necessary for cultivating a thriving workplace culture, as a recent study conducted by TINYpulse entitled, “The 2014 TINYpulse Employee Engagement and Organizational Culture Report” revealed that 44 percent of employees give peer to peer recognition, but only when they have an easy tool to do so. As well, the study reports that one in four employees feel they do not have the tools to be successful in their jobs. As such, it’s clear that a powerful set of business communications tools is needed to streamline in-house productivity.
Employee recognition is not the only way that an advanced UC solution can augment workplace culture. Consider also providing your employees with these simple-to-use communications tools to augment your office culture best practices:
Instant Chat
The best workspaces are amiable environments where employees are comfortable with each other. However, in order to reach this most desirable state, the internal communication must be at an all time high. As such, UC features like instant chathelp employees stay connected, in near real time. For example, colleagues who usually wouldn’t communicate with each other as their offices are on opposite sides of the building can use instant chat to converse simply and efficiently.
Mobile clients for Smartphones
Optimize your mobile workers with on-the-go communications tools. For example, a best-in-class UC system will offer clients for Android or iOS Smartphones. As such, employees can utilize the same UC tools, like the aforementioned instant chat, to communicate with colleagues whether they’re out on a sales call or half-way around the globe.
Call Clarity Technologies Group, LLC at 800-354-4160 to learn how Unified Communications can improve your workplace culture today!
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