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Welcome to the Clarity Technologies Group, LLC Blog Site!

My name is Bruce G. Kreeger and I am the President and Chief Technology Officer of Clarity Technologies Group, LLC. For several years I have been posting a substantial number of articles on LinkedIn, Facebook, and other places. Recently a friendly competitor suggested that we create our own Blog site and that is what we are doing here.

I founded by Clarity Technologies Group with a mission  to help small to medium businesses (SMB) and government entities manage and maintain its computer infrastructure, telephone systems, security, and networks. We help clients with 1 to 1,000 employees achieve their IT business objectives because Clarity Technologies Group, LLC comprehensively understands the needs and challenges of the SMB.  I am personally responsible for the daily operations of the business, and I also maintains a hands-on relationship with all clients and our vendors.

I have over 30 years experience in physical security, two-way  radio and mobile telecommunications. I entered the IT world in the late 1990s when I pioneered the integration of remote ATM machines with data centers via cellular telephone and the emerging internet. Finding a need for IT Consultants as well as specialists in Security and telephony, I started Clarity Technologies Group, LLC in 2005 and has done consulting and design work for companies as large as American Express and Intercontinental Hotel Group.

Through this Blog I will continue to post what I learn and wish to pass on. I hope that you will enjoy the content presented.

Thank you for reading.

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