

Three Ways IP Telephony Can Help You Hit a Productivity Home Run


If you want to be an all –star player in your industry, then you need a team of real MVPs but most importantly access to advanced business communications so you can collaborate with ease and efficiency.

The American sports equipment manufacturer Wilson Sporting Goods understood that the key to its team’s ultimate success was in its communication procedures. Therefore, the company’s IT management knew it was time to replace their legacy PBX system that was limiting their potential and opt for an IP-PBX solution.

As a global organization with plans of continued expansion the sporting goods company needed a more scalable solution, a phone system that they wouldn’t have to worry about outgrowing. Thankfully, IP-PBX systems can offer businesses—of all sizes—the ability to scale up, seamlessly when growth occurs.

For example, with an IP-PBX organizations can add phone lines at the drop of the hat due to the ease-of-use of Internet telephony. In other words, due to the fact the phone lines are routed through the Internet adding or scaling back phone extensions becomes a simple task that can be executed straight from a desktop computer. Conversely, proprietary phone systems with copper wires make it difficult for businesses to add more phone lines as an extensive installation process must take place.

But the advantages of transitioning to IP telephony prove to expand beyond just scalability. Here are a few more important benefits:

Cost efficiency

Cutting the cords, so to speak, from a legacy PBX enables organizations to save a significant amount on their telecom spending. In fact, this is one of the great improvements that Wilson Sporting Goods realized after adopting an IP-PBX solution. Phone systems that are tied down by carriers prove to be costly for various reasons that IP-PBX can help eliminate. For one, legacy system carriers often charge exorbitant long distance call fees and beyond the trouble of installing new phone lines, the addition comes with a fee as well. With IP-PBX companies can communicate with their overseas locations and scale up without spending a dime.


Another advantage of an IP-PBX phone system is its flexibility. For example, the IT team at Wilson Sporting Goods was able to choose the VoIP gateways and IP phones that made the most sense for their particular business needs. An IP-PBX provider with an open platform and licensing model enables businesses to configure their phone system to suit their business’s structure and communication standards. As well, IP-PBX enable companies to take the IP transition as slow or fast as they are ready to take on. For instance, an IP-PBX can be configured to work in conjunction with a business’s existing legacy system, and simply scale up when they are ready.


IP telephony opens the doors to a whole new world of business communications. For instance, with an IP-PBX, companies can easily integrate unified communications (UC) features as well as mobility features. Wilson Sporting Goods reduced its international roaming fees by using clients that are optimized for mobile usage with Andriod and iOS. This way, employees can communicate internationally without incurring long distance fees. What’s more, IP-PBX providers offer mobile solutions that enable workers to leverage their office phone number from their smartphone, so they can stay up to speed no matter where they are, without giving out personal numbers.

So no matter your industry, you too can experience heightened business communications with an IP-PBX. Want to read more about the many ways Wilson Sporting Goods is benefiting from an IP telephony solution, read the case study!

 Call Clarity Technologies Group, LLC at 800-354-4160 today. We are partnered internationally around the globe and we are open seven days a week 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM EST/EDT. Or use your Chrome, Firefox, or Opera Browser with a microphone and speakers and go to:

https://pbx.clarityscg.net:5001/callus/779406  to call Clarity Technologies Group, LLC via WebRTC today!

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