MOBOTIX Video Systems: Flexible And Effective Solutions For The Pandemic And Far Beyond

By: Bruce G. Kreeger

MOBOTIX has been a pioneer of intelligent edge video technology for 20 years. The company has shaped the industry with its modular solutions. After opening the MOBOTIX7 platform for new, innovative software solutions last year, MOBOTIX is now even more flexible. The new M73 and S74 camera systems with three and four sensor modules per camera contribute to this. They can also set new MOBOTIX standards in terms of image quality, performance, and efficiency. With high quality “Made in Germany,” enormous flexibility makes the MOBOTIX video systems interesting for numerous industries during the pandemic and beyond.

Artificial intelligence and deep learning processes are drivers of the MOBOTIX7 video solution platform. The many unique video analysis apps provide users in all industries with intelligent and cost-effective tools to cover relevant and current requirements, specifically in their everyday work. Solutions that do not yet exist can be redesigned to suit individual needs. Thus, the platform is explicitly open for self-developed apps from MOBOTIX partners and customers – which means that new solutions are constantly being created to meet even the most innovative requirements.

Helpful technology in the corona pandemic

In the Corona pandemic context, MOBOTIX video systems provided effective hardware and software applications with its “back-on-track solutions,” which help keep life in business, trade, healthcare, and education as normal as possible.  For example, anomalies in body temperature can be detected so that the persons concerned can undergo medical examinations. The thermal solutions are already being used, for example, by hospital visitors or hotel guests. The intelligent systems can also detect the wearing of mouth and nose protection. In retail stores or ski resorts, automatic announcements can be triggered if the MOBOTIX camera detects people without masks. Overcrowding situations can also be detected, and social distancing can be supported.

Flexible systems retain their value far beyond the pandemic

While many of the technology solutions used to combat COVID-19 are used exclusively on a case-by-case basis, MOBOTIX offers video systems that offer valuable benefits even beyond the pandemic – through simple conversions: For example, reliable, object-based recording of customer flows and the most frequented areas on the sales floor can provide retailers with important information on customer behavior or product placement (detection of hotspots).

The 22 apps already installed in the video systems serve the requirements of numerous vital sectors such as industry & manufacturing, energy & utilities, retail and healthcare, education, transport and mobility, and the public sector.

“The success of our products and solutions – even during the Corona pandemic – has confirmed that we have developed a future-oriented technology with our open, flexible, and at the same time cyber-safe video solution platform. We can implement individual requirements quickly and securely with our video systems,” explains Thomas Lausten, CEO of MOBOTIX AG. “As self-sufficient IoT cameras, both the M73 and the S74 only transmit securely encrypted images to the network when relevant events occur: that is intelligent cybersecurity Made in Germany. With the possibility of developing completely new, individual apps, the MOBOTIX 7 system platform also offers the ideal technological basis for solutions that we don’t even know we will need one day. MOBOTIX 7 is already thinking about the future,” says Lausten enthusiastically.

MOBOTIX relies on its cooperation network of highly specialized technology partners

With MOBOTIX7, MOBOTIX offers its global technology partners the ideal platform for developing their creativity. The partners can implement unique solutions for their customers, which can also be certified by MOBOTIX in conjunction with the intelligent MOBOTIX camera systems. “We are ready for any technological challenge that may arise in a company or institution,” explains Hartmut Sprave, CTO of MOBOTIX AG. “Our certification also confirms the cybersecurity of the new apps,” says Sprave. “This opens up completely new revenue models for our partners. An individual challenge can develop into a solution that is profitable for the broad market and can be marketed worldwide via MOBOTIX.”

Clarity is proud to be a Mobotix Gold Partner serving the Americas with installations as large as one thousand cameras and as small as two. System survey, design, installation, and implementation are Clarity’s strengths in the marketplace. Coupled with utilizing our support teams from the edge and having a structured cabling division, has helped Clarity stand out in security, transportation, retail, and industrial application areas.


Call Clarity at 800-354-4160 today or email us at [email protected]. We are partnered internationally around the globe and we are open seven days a week 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM EST/EDT. and

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